Saturday, April 20, 2013

Automobiles and Me

I was hit by a car when I was about 7 years old.

Don't worry I was fine; just a little shaken up with a few bruises on my bum. It was a school day, after school to be precise and I had just gotten off of the school bus and was crossing the road to get home when it happened. The road had a deep bend that made it impossible for any oncoming car to see me until the very last minute.

Some daredevils tended to speed around this bend but fortunately for me that day, the driver wasn't speeding and so was able to stop relatively quickly, so the care just hit me and pushed me a few feet on the road.

It happened so quickly, I remember a few people gathering around me asking if I was okay, and I vividly remember telling them I was okay, I was okay. I was actually really scared I just wanted my mom, but I kept saying I was fine and that lived nearby. They let me go with my bum stinging from the bruises, and I ran. With my little heart racing inside my chest, I ran to my house. My mother was still at work but the lady who took care of the house was there. I didn't tell her what had happened but I ran to my room, locked the door and got my Bible.

This is a true story. At the age of 7 after facing a terrifying ordeal, I knew the first thing I should do was open my Bible. I am smiling now as I remember this experience because I can recall that scripture I had opened up to was Genesis Chapter 1: "In the beginning..." It doesn't matter what I read, it was just where my heart was at that age.

I don't remember much after that. When my parents finally came home, I told them everything. My mother was furious, as you can imagine! She took me to the doctor to get me checked out, we then went to the bus yard to find the bus driver and the owner and question them as to why they let a 7 year old cross the road alone and why no one called her when this happened. She made a big deal about it all but I was fine really...

Well not really, since then I have had a slight fear of crossing the street. I usually wait until it's COMPLETELY clear before crossing even if that means waiting for ages. Sometimes, I take a chance and zip across but by the time I reach the other I side I'm extremely nervous and heart is racing but I still do it. I face my fear.

Since then I've also been in two more motor vehicle accidents. One was on Christmas Day in 2009 and the other on September 11th 2011. The last one was actually really bad. I fractured my skull and had to undergo surgery.

But hey I survived! The thing is, immediately after all those incidents I was nervous about getting into cars or driving in general, but I refused to be overcome by fear. Going back to the Bible a favourite scripture of mine is 2 Timothy 1:7 where it says:

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

I live a very full life, I travel, I write, I paint, I make friends, I dance to my favourite music when no one is looking....I wear red lipstick. 

Those dark moments were scary but can you imagine if I had just locked myself away because of them? How would I have gotten to see and experience Barcelona last year, or helped my little brother when he got hurt or encourage you who may be crippled by fear or your past?

My thought to you today is; get up, get dressed, get in that car (or bus) and drive into a brighter and braver future (lipstick optional). 

That is all.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Oh viruses, why art thou so evil?!

So I've been a good girl today. I'm actually in the library right now revising for those dreaded exams. At the moment I'm studying how certain viruses basically hijack the host cell's protein synthesis mechanisms and apoptotic (cell death) pathways.

It's really interesting stuff! For almost every step in a normal cell cycle and molecular machinery, these nasty viruses seem to find some way of subverting the host system for their own gain. They're kinda vicious if you ask me. Intelligent but vicious.

I then realised that that's life in a nutshell and the parasitic people that might be in our lives. For every step on our road to success there are obstacles and "viruses" that seem to find a way to trip us up. But like our very efficient immune system, we have to fight back. We can either internalise the pathogen like macrophages and destroy it from within or secrete cytotoxic granules and kill that bugger! 

No, I'm not studying war, but I thought I'd just throw that analogy in there. Well, I need to get back to this while I'm still in the mood. 

I should probably mention something about lipstick seeing as that's the name of the blog.......

hmmm..... I'm literally here trying to think of something philosophical to leave with you. I'm just gonna have to whip something up out my *.

Since 2009, the only colour lipstick I wear is red. And I'm talking about really vibrant reds. My favourite at the moment is Revlon Red and no matter how I'm feeling on a particular day, once I apply that red to my lips it's like I bring out another version of me. I wouldn't say alter ego but I do feel bolder and sexier and more alive and it makes me want to smile more; with my teeth contrasting brilliantly with the red frame. So if you are hesitant in trying red lipstick, I say go for it. Bring that vivacious and gorgeous version of yourself to the surface so that we can all see what you're workin' with. lol :D

Do you wear lipstick? If so what's your favourite shade? 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

My thoughts these days...

...then...4 years later. I completely forgot I'd even started a blog. I can't seem to remember why; must have been a low point in my life. Not that writing blogs means you're life is out of whack but I can't think why I did it. 

I was 19 yrs old when I wrote that first post and so much has happened since then. I'll start chronicling those events at some point, but for now I'm just back on here because I'm at another pivotal point in my life and I really don't know how to go about sharing my thoughts and feelings with anyone without coming across as neurotic.

I'm not really one for journaling. I admire people who are dedicated enough to writing about their life on a daily or weekly basis. I've tried it, doesn't work for me (I can't even go to the gym two weeks in a row). And the weird thing is, I actually love to write. Writing is my thing, but I prefer to create wildly imaginative tales about...stuff (fiction). 
I'm hesitant in pouring out my deepest darkest truths onto paper. But alas! here I am, about to do just that. I figured a blog would be a way of get my thoughts out there, as though I'm speaking to someone, anyone who will listen...anonymously, kind of.

I'm basically just talking to myself but to others as well, maybe. This means, I'm going to write as I think. And seeing as my thoughts are usually racing in a million different directions and tangled and upside down and right-side up all at the same time, so will these words I right. And for once, I'm perfectly okay with that. I know some people will think I'm crazy and some will understand exactly where I'm coming from and encourage my loonosity (yes, I just made that word up).

Also, seeing as I'm working on my first novel, I've done a lot of research and I found that it is important for writers to constantly write, whether it's related to the story or otherwise...just write! With that being said, don't go judging my writing skills in this blog, because I am literally just throwing words onto paper. There is no artistry or refinement or imagination here, so if that's what you're looking for look elsewhere or read my novel when it's published. :)

Anyways... if you're still with me, let's get back to what I was saying at the beginning. So, I'm 23 yrs old now, can't believe it...seriously, where has the time gone. I'm in final year of university and the first of my final exams is in exactly 32 days.

I am so scared. It's like my whole life is hanging in the balance. I find my course really interesting and the topics although scientific aren't particularly difficult to study. It's just that there is so much to learn and I fear I may have left a lot of the revision too late. I really shouldn't be worried because I do this EVERY TIME and somehow manage to do really well. But I tried so hard this time not to let the work pile up but there you have it, typical student.

I've just finished modifying my revision timetable and I realised that if I stay focused for the next 4 weeks, I can learn all I need and do very well in the exams. IF I STAY FOCUSED.

At the start of 2013, I was worried about what my next step after my undergrad would be, so started looking into possible career paths and further study and decided to apply for a Masters in if! I actually always dreamed of becoming a neuroscientist and just figured it would be a nice "next step". Well, surprise surprise I got an offer from one of the 3 schools I applied to and still waiting to hear back from the other 2.

I was so excited when I got the email! I literally couldn't believe it. I woke my brother up to tell him (he got all excited, too). I called my mom (she was ecstatic). It was a great feeling to know that a highly acclaimed university wanted me and thought I was good enough to be a student there. Now, you'd think that that was motivation enough to get me going. Nah! I'm back to me ole' procrastinatin' self. Grrr.

Okay, I've had enough venting for one night. I'm actually going to do some revision now. You've motivated me to do some work, so thank you, whoever you are... :) If there is anyone out there reading this, I'd love to know, so do comment (even if it's just to tell me I'm a rambler; I already knew that).